
Dr. Didik Sukriono, SH, M.Hum.

Dr. Didik Sukriono, SH, M.Hum are as follows:

1. Law, constitution, and the concept of autonomy: a study of political law on the constitution, regional and village autonomy after constitutional amendments >> click here

2. Village government legal reform: village government law politics in Indonesia >> click here

3. Public Service Law Based on Information Disclosure and Participation >> click here

Dr. HA Rosyid Al Atok, M.Pd., MH

Dr. HA Rosyid Al Atok, M.Pd., MH are as follows:

1. The concept of the formation of laws and regulations: theory, history, and comparison with several bicameral countries >> click here

Dr. Nuruddin Hady, SH, MH

Dr. Nuruddin Hady, SH, MH are as follows:

1. The theory of the Constitution and the democratic state (understanding democratic constitutionalism in Indonesia after the amendments to the 1945 Constitution) >> click here

2. Authority of the Constitutional Court: the exercise of the powers of the Constitutional Court in resolving disputes over election results >> click here

Dr. Lusiana Margareth Tijow, S.H., M.H.

Karya buku Dr. Lusiana Margareth Tijow, S.H., M.H. adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Pengaturan Kehamilan dan Pengguguran Kadungan Bagi Perempuan Korban Pemerkosaaan >> click here

2. Hukum Feminis di Indonesia >> click here

3. Terorisme Strategi Deradikalisasi dari Masa ke Masa   >> click here

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