Introduction to Philosophy
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Introduction to Philosophy course can be downloaded below:
Download: RPS-SAP Introduction to Philosophy
State Administrative Law
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the State Administration Law Subject can be downloaded below:
Download: RPS-SAP State Administrative Law
Local and Village Government
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Program Unit (SAP) for Local Government and Village Subjects can be downloaded below:
Download: RPS-SAP Local and Village Government
Indonesian Cultural Anthropology
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Program Unit (SAP) for the Indonesian Cultural Anthropology Course can be downloaded below:
Download: RPS-SAP Indonesian Cultural Anthropology
Scientific Ethics
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Scientific Ethics Subject can be downloaded below:
PPKn Education and Learning Foundation
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Basic Education and Learning PPKn course can be downloaded below:
Quantitative Research Methods
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Quantitative Research Methods course can be downloaded below:
Qualitative Research Methods
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Qualitative Research Methods course can be downloaded below:
Development Research Methods
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Development Research Methods course can be downloaded below:
Classroom Action Research Methods
Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) Classroom Action Research Methods course can be downloaded below:
Pancasila Philosophy and Ideology
Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) Philosophy and Ideology of Pancasila Subject can be downloaded below:
Value, Moral, and Character Education of Pancasila
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Pancasila Value, Moral and Character Education Subjects can be downloaded below:
Citizen Political and Legal Awareness Education
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Citizenship Law and Political Awareness Education Subject can be downloaded below:
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian State Administration System
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the 1945 NRI UUD Subject and the RI State Administration System can be downloaded below:
Governance and Public Policy
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for Government and Public Policy Subjects can be downloaded below:
Local Wisdom and Indonesian Cultural Strategy
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Subject of Local Wisdom and Indonesian Culture Strategy can be downloaded below:
Studies on Democracy, Human Rights and Civil Society
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Study of Democracy, Human Rights and Civil Society can be downloaded below:
Indonesian Multicultural Society Studies
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Indonesian Multicultural Society Study Subject can be downloaded below:
National Development System
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the National Development System course can be downloaded below:
Political Law and Legislation
The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Subject of Political Law and Legislation can be downloaded below:
PPKn Curriculum Development and Teaching Materials
Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for Curriculum Development and PPKn Teaching Materials can be downloaded below:
Innovative PPKn Learning Models and Media
Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) Subject Model and Innovative PPKn learning media can be downloaded below:
Assessment and Evaluation of PPKn Learning
Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for PPKn Learning Assessment and Evaluation Subjects can be downloaded below:
Character and Citizenship Entrepreneurship Education
The Semester Learning Design (RPS) and Lecture Unit (SAP) for the Character and Citizenship Entrepreneurship Education Subject can be downloaded below: